The English Academy Review: Journal of English Studies (EAR) is a leading scholarly journal accredited by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET) and indexed internationally by Thomson Reuters, IBSS and SCOPUS. It seeks to promote research and debate in effective English as a vital national resource while respecting Africa’s diverse linguistic ecology. It includes articles on language as well as educational, philosophical and literary topics from across the globe, which have been double blind peer reviewed. The journal also includes creative writing (poetry and short stories) as well as book reviews of significant new publications. The annual lectures and proceedings of the English Academy of Southern Africa, founded in 1961, are also published in the journal.
EAR is published biannually by Taylor and Francis (Routledge) and Unisa Press (South Africa). Its editorial policy is governed by the Council of the English Academy of Southern Africa who also appoint the Editor-in-Chief for a three-year term of office. Guest editors are appointed from time to time on an ad hoc basis. An Editorial Board, comprised of experts drawn from the global village, serve as referees and advisers.
The journal is co-published by Taylor & Francis and can be accessed from
The English Academy Review is joining the digital age
The English Academy Review is joining the digital age hand-in-hand with Unisa Press and Taylor & Francis. Submission of articles will henceforth be direct onto Unisa Press’s newly created electronic platform by the contributor, who will receive an immediate acknowledgement. Once uploaded, the Editor-in-Chief will allocate peer reviewers and the system will monitor progress and writers will be able to check the progression thereof.
All paid-up members will receive free online access to both issues in any given year.
Instructions for authors for articles for EAR
Please assist the editorial team by following the in-house Style Guide.
These instructions will ensure that your article is able to move smoothly through peer review, production and publication.
Thank you for choosing to submit your article to us.
Articles may be up to 5 000 words in length. Manuscripts should be typed in double-space.
- The title, together with the name and affiliation of the author, should be typed on a separate sheet.
- A structured abstract of 200 words in length, covering the main factual points and a statement of objective or problem, method, results and conclusions, should accompany the article plus a list of at least six key words for abstracting and indexing services.
- Articles should be accompanied by a declaration that the article in question is an original contribution that has not been published elsewhere previously,
The Chicago manual of style author-date system should be used. All references should be specified in parentheses in the text (and in the text of notes) by surname(s) of the author(s), the year of the publication and page number(s), for example (Dworkin 1986, 45–52). The complete citation should appear at the end of the manuscript (after the notes, if any) under the caption ‘References’. Such citations should be listed alphabetically by surname and given name of authors, followed by year of publication, with the most recent references first. It is Academy policy to follow etymological guidelines for the s/z convention. Please consult the latest edition of the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. Single inverted commas are used for quotations and so double within single. An indented quotation (for 60 words or more) constitutes single inverted commas i.e. double inverted commas are used within the indented quotation. Shorter quotations should be incorporated into the text in single inverted commas. Please note the use of capital letters, punctuation marks and italics in the following examples:
In text:
(Chambers 1983, 110–112) book
(Marsdon, Hudson and Roberts 2004) three-author book
(Van Wyk Smith et al. 2005, 234) multiple-author book
(Anon. 1120, n.p.) anonymous author with no page reference
(Butler 1988, vol. 2) book volume
(Bhabha and Fanon 1996, 45) journal
(P. J. H. Titlestad, pers. comm.) personal communication
(Sowetan 14 July 2006) newspaper article
(Swart 2003, 14) unpublished thesis/dissertation
(Chennells 2000, 2:16–24) journal volume number with page reference
(Weasels and Mampuru 1999, 101n2) note
In reference list:
Bean, Philip and Joy Melville. 1989. Lost children of the Empire. London: Unwin Hyman.
Black, M. 1979. More about metaphor. In Metaphoric Narratives. A. Ortony ed., 19–43. Oxford: OUP.
Hrushovski, B. 1984. Poetic metaphor and frames of reference. Poetics Today 5 (1): 5–43.
Ortony, A. ed. 1979. Metaphor and thought. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Webster, C. P. and L. M. Hood. 2006. Rewriting identities. In Perspectives on selfhood. D. Klopper and F. R. Frazer eds., 355–367. Cape Town: David Philip.
Notes should be numbered serially throughout the text by superscript numbers (without parentheses and inserted manually) to the right of any punctuation marks. The notes themselves should appear at the end of the manuscript but before the references, under the caption ‘Notes’. Do not use electronic reference insertion. If you do, the article will be returned to you for editing prior to being sent for double blind peer review.
The English Academy will ask the institution where an author is employed to contribute R300 a page for an article published in EAR.
As EAR is an accredited journal, this amount can be met by the research subsidy earned by tertiary institutions for articles published in the journal. Accounts will be sent to the managements of the institutions concerned, with copies to authors. If institutions do not pay this fee, it is the author’s responsibility to do so.
If you have any queries please contact
The Administrative Officer: Karin Basel